Raw Lessons Revealed

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Craig T. Ingram

28 March 2024

32m 7s

How MedTech Startup Companies Ramp Up To Real Success with Steve Bell



Commercialization is a vital aspect of business success, but many companies struggle to master it. This podcast episode delves into the challenges and common mistakes that hinder effective commercialization. Understanding the difference between commercialization and sales is crucial. Companies often underestimate the time and resources required for effective commercialization, resulting in failure. Another critical factor is building the right product that fits the market's needs and demands. Market research plays a significant role in this aspect. Companies must conduct thorough pre-market research and post-market analysis to ensure they are offering the right product at the right price point. Additionally, hiring the right salespeople and providing comprehensive training are essential for commercial success. The podcast emphasizes the importance of bringing in professionals who specialize in commercialization to ensure a higher chance of survival and success for startups and established companies alike.

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