Raw Lessons Revealed

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Podcast by Craig T. Ingram

Raw Lessons Revealed

"Raw Lessons Revealed" is a captivating podcast that dives deep into the heart of personal growth and learning through the highs and lows of business and personal life. Each episode is never more than 20 minutes in length and is a journey into the lives of individuals from all walks of life who have faced significant challenges, setbacks, and transformative experiences. The podcast is designed to uncover the raw, unfiltered truths and lessons learned from these experiences, offering listeners a unique blend of inspiration, resilience, and practical wisdom. Hosted by Craig T. Ingram with a passion for no-nonsense conversation and personal development, "Raw Lessons Revealed" features in-depth interviews, engaging discussions, and a space for reflection on the complexities of the human condition. Craig T. brings out the vulnerability and courage in their guests, encouraging them to share their most personal stories of struggle and triumph of his guests personal and business life. Through these conversations, the podcast aims to shed light on the universal themes of growth, resilience, and the power of the human spirit to overcome. Listeners can expect a diverse range of topics, from overcoming professional failure and personal loss to navigating business, culture and societal pressures. "Raw Lessons Revealed" is not just about sharing stories; it's about connecting deeply with the struggles and triumphs of others, fostering a sense of community and understanding, and empowering listeners to face their own challenges with newfound strength and perspective. With a thoughtful blend of empathy, curiosity, and realism, "Raw Lessons Revealed" stands out as a beacon for anyone looking for genuine stories of perseverance, insight, and transformation. Whether you're in search of motivation, guidance, or simply a reminder of the resilience of the human spirit, this podcast promises to be a profound and enlightening experience.

Latest episodes

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18 April 2024

MedTech & HealthTech Recruiting & Setting Up Companies For Real Success with Joe Mullings

In this eye-opening episode of “Raw Lessons Revealed,” we delve into the intricate world of talent acquisition with Joe Mullings, a titan in the MedTech, HealthTech, and Life Sciences sectors. Discover the art of scouting the right candidates for a company—a task that’s anything but straightforward. We explore the essence of a company’s DNA, the collective experiences of its people, their achievements, and the pace at which it operates. Is it a dynamic, fast-moving entity, or does it languish in decision-making limbo for what seems like an eternity?

Joe Mullings, renowned for his unapologetic candor, brings to the table his profound understanding of what it takes for companies to truly thrive financially. He’s not one to shy away from challenging the status quo, boldly confronting C-level executives when their hiring criteria fall short of what’s needed for success.

Tune in for a riveting dialogue that promises to not only challenge but potentially transform your perspective on business effectiveness. Get ready to be inspired by Joe’s insights and learn why settling for ‘good enough’ is never an option in the quest for top talent.



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04 April 2024

Digital HealthCare & What It Takes For Effective Product Rollout With Michael Banesse

The journey to successfully commercialize digital healthcare technology platforms is indeed complex and multifaceted. Michael Banesse’s insights highlight the critical importance of early-stage testing with Alpha partners to validate market demand and willingness to pay. This step is essential to ensure that the technology not only meets the needs of healthcare providers and entities, but also simplifies the delivery of care, making it a valuable investment for hospitals and other patient care entities.

Mr. Banesse emphasizes the pitfalls of bypassing the rigorous groundwork required in the commercialization process. Without this, digital healthcare companies may struggle to fulfill their initial objectives and deliver their solutions promptly. His candid and straightforward approach aims to equip executive leaders with the knowledge and strategies necessary to navigate these challenges and increase their chances of success in the competitive digital healthcare market.



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28 March 2024

How MedTech Startup Companies Ramp Up To Real Success with Steve Bell

Commercialization is a vital aspect of business success, but many companies struggle to master it. This podcast episode delves into the challenges and common mistakes that hinder effective commercialization. Understanding the difference between commercialization and sales is crucial. Companies often underestimate the time and resources required for effective commercialization, resulting in failure. Another critical factor is building the right product that fits the market's needs and demands. Market research plays a significant role in this aspect. Companies must conduct thorough pre-market research and post-market analysis to ensure they are offering the right product at the right price point. Additionally, hiring the right salespeople and providing comprehensive training are essential for commercial success. The podcast emphasizes the importance of bringing in professionals who specialize in commercialization to ensure a higher chance of survival and success for startups and established companies alike.



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15 March 2024

Business Application Lessons from The Most Profitable Sales Representative (2017) in North America - Troy Aberle

In this podcast episode, business strategist Troy Aberle shares his most applicable busienss insights from getting business coaching in his career to a prestigious continent award-winning sales representative to an internationally known Chief Strategy Officer. He emphasizes the importance of setting clear objectives and defining success for oneself and the team. Mr. Aberle also stresses the significance of loyalty in the business dealing process, highlighting the need to focus on the right clients and engage in meaningful communication. He unveils his four-part framework for financial business success: clarity on goals, identifying ideal clients, capturing attention through genuine care, and maintaining consistency and communication. He believes (due to extensive research) that only 17% of executives truly embody these principles and cites the lack of proper planning and understanding of scaling as common pitfalls. He urges business owners and employees to develop a coherent blueprint, aligning internal and external messages for sustainable growth and success. Take notes and enjoy....



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29 February 2024

Intentional International Entrepreneurship with Caroline Stanbury & Sergio Carrallo

Spend a few minutes with serial entrpreneuers; Hollywood TV celebrity Caroline Stanbury, (Ladies of London & Real Housewives of Dubai) and her husband soccer superstar Sergio Carallo, (Real Madrid & L.A. Galaxy).  They have their hands in many business projects all over the world and they are very successful in growing multiple businesses in many different countries and industries. Lets explore together some of their Raw Lessons...



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23 February 2024

Raw Lessons Revealed with Billionaire Reebok Founder & CEO Joe Foster

You are about to hear real, genuine, no-nonsense business lessons from a literal liquid net worth billionaire. If you are in business… that should impress you…. because there are less than 3,000 companies on this planet ever reaching this pinnacle status in business. No one goes into business to make as little as possible, so get ready to be impressed by one of the planets most successful business entrepreneurs.



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